New Books For Women Readers
By Mattie MacDonald In surveys conducted about reading habits, it has consistently been found that women tend to read more than men. When it comes to reading fiction, they make up a very clear majority. According to one theory, this is because certain neurons in their brains make them more able to empathize with fictional characters. New books for women readers are constantly being written and made available from many online sources. Surveys have also established that male and female reading habits are rather different. While females tend to find it difficult to put a book down once they have started reading, males do not seem to have this problem. Many of them admit to leaving a book or two unfinished. They prefer non-fiction on the whole and often read more technical literature aimed at solving problems or teaching them how to do something. It is no wonder that many websites are aimed at satisfying the reading needs of the female reader. There are even those that are entir...