enhanced books:What should a Enhanced Book [for adults] do?
Note: When I wrote this article publishing companies, I thought books specifically on improving adults , not children publishers for books. I've updated the article to clarify the " adults " to clarify that enhanced books.
However, I have also described the position of the novels in the publishing trade as well as some non-fiction titles publishing companies, with the caveat that the functions described here work well but are not the last word in enhanced books . Thanks to the good people of the " e-books, e-book readers publishers for books, e-books and publishing digital content " to help clarify my thinking enhanced books.
What book Digital Enhanced [ adult ] should do? This is a question that all developers improved , but as an industry books enhanced books, which have tended to look at other questions arise: What can we do people think is cool?
These are very different issues as the first wonder how we benefit readers ledger and another question is how will they be entertained enhanced books?
In my opinion enhanced books, most improved adult books to date have focused on the entertainment aspect publishing companies. As application developers book we spend our time trying to "wow" the reader with interesting effects , but there is a much more powerful for success ledger vehicle. Utility enhanced books.
What can we add services beyond the normal functions of e-books that it was the best experience of reading fiction enhanced books.
This is an area that interests me, but like everyone else I am also interested in the " cool" factor creating playful material publishers for books. But if I had to concentrate solely on usefulness are the things I want to spend my time in no particular order enhanced books.
Pronunciation guides
Character , place cards and anything Place caresser sanitation Cards artwork
The names of these features are just made on site, there are probably better names, but these are what I came up with enhanced books. Whatever you call it publishing companies, I think you'll agree that each of these features are removed and useful publishers for books.
Pronunciation guides
One thing that really irritates me is when I find a name or a word that is unfamiliar. I can look up the definition of the most common words used with an integrated e-reader (expected ) dictionary publishers for books, but I'm not always how words are pronounced or unusual names enhanced books.
Music of the ability to write on a word to get a pronunciation that go a long way toward improving the experience of reading a book enhanced books.
Character publishing companies, location maps and Sew
It is a concept that we have implemented in Statesman Holmes novel just published my business. The idea is simple. You can enter any name of a person publishers for books, place or thing and get a pop -up card that reminds you that this person enhanced books, place or thing .
This was particularly useful when reading Song of Ice and Fire (aka Game of Thrones ) publishers for books, Dune or Lord of the Rings when there are literally dozens of characters ( for example, 13 dwarves traveling with Bilbo ) to track not talk of places (the ten planets mentioned in Dune) , or things ( magic items , or mechanical devices ) enhanced books.
The cards only reveal what we already know about the character enhanced books, place or thing, or what can be revealed without damaging the rest of the book.
Place cards
Most fictional stories have characters that travel from a city, a country, or the world. It is always confusing to me in the Lord of the Rings , for example, when they start talking , where the characters are or will publishers for books.
Yes , there is a map at the beginning of the book enhanced books, but that does not always help . What I prefer is a card that can be taken at any time shows were exactly what the characters are on the map at a given moment in the book publishers for books.
It could also highlight areas of interest or places mentioned in this part of the book. We did it with Statesman Holmes and worked wonderfully and is often cited as one of the most interesting features.
Relationship Cards
These are not the place cards publishers for books, but cards of relationships. For example, in Dune becomes confusing to keep track of the different houses and how they relate and what the home. It is also a problem with the Song of Ice and Fire (aka Game of Thrones ) enhanced books.
Tokens can also specify related organizations are Lanyards Homes Dune or the various kingdoms of the Elves in The Lord of the Rings Home Song of Ice and Fire enhanced books.
Illustrations and animations
Have you ever read a passage from a book that explains what something looks like or how it works and no matter how many times you read it enhanced books, it does not mean exactly ? This is a case where a picture is worth a thousand words publishers for books.
For example , I read Neal Stephenson Amateurishness's for books, a wonderful book . In Neal Stephenson 's book explains what the architecture is like and then I can sort of picture of the description , it would be much easier to understand if there was a sketch enhanced books.
The same is true of the words of complex clock used in the book . Neal Stephenson is going to great lengths to explain how they work, but an illustration and description would really make me appreciate the genius publishers for books.
These five features ( pronunciation guides person - thing - place cards enhanced books, maps, and illustrations relations ) are very essential for the proper application of this book is fiction or non -Zion enhanced books.
There will always be a market for entertainment interactions publishing companies, but is it utilitarian as described above in combination with an attractive aesthetic that push applications books into the mainstream because they offer real value beyond an initial "wow" reaction enhanced books.
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